Day 1: Why do you ship YongSeo?
Because for me Yongseo is the only partner who really goes according to the flow of a relationship. Starting from the introductory stage, dating, engaged to be married couple virtual. How to respect the commitments they have made, how they respect their partners. Yongseo couple may be the only partner in the program We Got Married a very slow development. For example they are not very frequent touch, they do all the time as they deem appropriate to do so we were so happy to see so like got lottery hehehe
Yongseo it real for me, so I ship this pair until later one of them was married to someone else if they did not paired
Day 2: Favorite YongSeo episode.
Can I say ALL ??? Hehehe but for me I really like the wake up call for breakfast and of course double date birthday ^^
Day 3: How did you discover YongSeo?
Actually I am bored and ended at Youtube randomly watching Running Man with YongHwa as a guest and then searh for him and found Yongseo, watched it for the first time from ep.1 to ep.51 Nonstop and I skipped my bedtime hahahaha
Day 4: Do you believe YongSeo is dating in real life? (Why or why not?)
Like I said I believe they are real ^^
Day 5: Have you ever made a Goguma friend?
Oh Yes, Many I have now ...
Day 6: Something you would say to YongHwa regarding his dating life.
Just be true to your heart cos your heart wont tell you lie !!
Day 7: Something you would say to SeoHyun regarding her dating life.
Same as YongHwa ^^
Day 8: Your wishes and delusions for YongSeo and their future together.
I wish hard for them to become real couple, have 2 kids and have their own couple album.
Day 9: Side CNSD ship (JongYoon, SooShin, etc.)
No One but Yongseo
Day 10: Imaginary date for YongSeo ♥
Hawaii lying down on a beach
Day 11: How would YongSeo’s wedding go?
I think it would be a private wedding with only their relatives and close celebrity and non-celebrity friends attend.
Day 12: If YongSeo could re-appear together in a TV show again, and if I re the PD, then….
Running Man !!!
Day 13: Favorite sister-in-law and why
All, os they are gogumas too, love their hints sometimes hehehe
Day 14: Favorite brother-in-law and why
I like Jungshin Chingo hehehe
Day 15: Have you ever written YongSeo fanfiction? If so, promote it for InGoPaem!
Not yet, maybe later but I have one good story on my head right now
Day 16: Plan YongSeo’s honeymoon
Las Vegas Trip or maybe hawaii, the both want to go Hawaii
Day 17: How do you deal with… Hamburgers?
Day 18: How will you react when YongSeo admits their dating in public?
I think I will collapse hahaha, happy and have tears on my eyes, tears of happiness and screaming !!
Day 19: Favorite CNBLUE song and why
Love Light Hahahaha of course bcos its song for Seohyun. and I love Intuition so much hehehe
Day 20: Favorite SNSD song and why
Gee !!! You know why hahahaha
Day 22: Have you ever done charity work in YongSeo’s name?
No. I hope to though.
Day 23: Have you ever seen CNBLUE or SNSD live? Fan account please!
Sadly no! Why Oh Why! :'(
Day 24: Have you ever retraced YongSeo’s steps in Korea or Japan?
No but I will when I travel to Korea.
Day 25: If you could give our couple a word of wisdom about dating, what would it be and why?
Just be yourself and dont change
Day 26: How will YongHwa propose to SeoHyun? (Allow your delusions to come out)
I think and I have thought that Yong will propose Hyun at Concert. Maybe CNBLUE Concert or His own Conert or at SNSD Concert. well too long if I have to describe all my delulu about this hahahahaha
Day 27: Just Spazz about YongSeo and talk about your love for them
I am A Gogumas and I am proud about it, No one can change it and YES THEY ARE REAL !!
Day 28: If/When I meet Yong…
Seriously : OH MY GOD !!! Maybe I will go blank with open mouth hahahahahaha
screaming and hold his hand and shake it ...
Day 29: If/When I meet Hyun…
Actually I dont know what will my reaction if I meet Seohyun, deguem deguem ?? but I will hug her tigh and tell him please married YongHwa hahahaha
Day 30: Write a letter to the YongSeo couple.
Dear Yonghwa ♥ Seohyun.
Thanks for gicing me another reason to smile and laugh everyday, thanks for giving me a time for been a shipper, thanks for giving me chance to meet other gogumas around the world and become friends and become family.
Please if you really in love I will say keep it silent and just revealing it when you both deide it to marry, why cos your world are really hard for idol couple. be who you are and never change. cos you both are good people and like you say Hyun, Good people is the ultimate winners. For me you are the ultimate winners.
PS : just give us more and more hints to keep us alive hehehehe
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